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Car Collections With More Muscle & Glamour Than Super Models At A Fitness Convention

It always strikes me funny when I hear about some way less than normal everyday news story. Not that this is late breaking news we are covering here, yet it bears repeating because I had never heard of such high priced automobiles until now.

When I think of car collections, museum displays, custom modified hot rods and rare finds that are being stored or restored to their original luster, I have never really given the price tag a thought. I have been to many automotive related events, car shows, car museums, races, convention events and the list goes on, so I am not a newbie when it comes to the automotive scene.

Who has the largest car collection? Who has the most expensive automobiles in their collection? I am certain you will be shocked by the sticker on a few of these awesome rides. Check out the A – Listers of the B list of lesser known non celebrity types. Such as the attorney who has every Lamborghini model from 1967-1986. His name is John W Houghtaling and his collection has received high accolades just like his career in Business Law.

Not to say that this man has anything on Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's esteemed car collection rumored to be over 7,000 cars. Purely amazing this much devotion to the automobile. The Sultan has the largest and most expensive automobile collection in existence. Exotics, supercars, high end luxury autos and concept vehicles make the grade for this collector extraordinaire. The Sultan's collection is rumored to be worth twice as much as Jay Leno's private collection of rare automobiles.

View the Sultan's collection here courtesy of

Ralph Lauren is rumored to have the most expensive automobile in existence worth $40,000,000 Check out the Ralph Lauren's Bugatti it is worth every penny it's appraised to be.

If you have not had enough glitz and glam then this is an A List of the biggest collectors; we know. Who is your favorite? Please leave a comment below and let us know.
